
Horse Session

1 hour session

An evaluation begins with a biomechanical analysis and is followed up with a detailed assessment of joint range of motion, flexibility, core/topline muscle activation, proprioception/balance screen, assessment for pain and muscle symmetry. Each evaluation will come with a written report detailing findings and areas of improvement. Consistent follow up treatments address any imbalances, improve joint and muscle range of motion, strength, and proprioception/balance to achieve optimal performance levels. Click here to learn more about specific treatments provided: Horse Physical Therapy.

Rider Session

1 hour session

An evaluation begins with a functional movement analysis on and off the horse and is followed up by a detailed assessment of joint range of motion, flexibility, proprioception/balance, strength, and posture. A customized therapeutic exercise program will be given to promote optimal riding performance. Consistent follow up sessions will address any physical imbalances or movement restrictions that could be contributing to pain and asymmetries and help to promote optimal effectiveness when riding. Click here to learn more about specific treatments provided: Rider Physical Therapy.

Horse & Rider Evaluation

1.5-2 Hours

The ideal combination for a winning team. This will combine all the aspects of individual horse and rider evaluations in addition to a ridden biomechanical assessment to see the interplay between horse and rider.

Book an Appointment

You can book a horse, rider, and horse and rider evaluation.